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GTA 5 Xinput1_3.dll Error Fix - Download and Reinstall the Game or Software

How to Download xinput1_3.dll for GTA 5

If you are a fan of Grand Theft Auto 5, you might have encountered an error message saying that xinput1_3.dll is missing or not found. This can be frustrating and prevent you from enjoying the game. But don't worry, in this article, we will show you how to download xinput1_3.dll for GTA 5 and fix the error easily.

download xinput1_3.dll for gta 5

What is xinput1_3.dll and why do you need it?

xinput1_3.dll is a dynamic link library file that is part of the Microsoft DirectX software collection. DirectX is a set of APIs that enable games and other multimedia applications to run smoothly on Windows. xinput1_3.dll is responsible for handling input from the Xbox 360 controller for Windows and other compatible devices.

You need xinput1_3.dll for GTA 5 because the game relies on DirectX to render graphics and sound, and to receive input from the controller. Without xinput1_3.dll, GTA 5 will not be able to access the controller functions and may crash or display an error message.

Common causes of xinput1_3.dll errors

There are several possible reasons why you might get an error related to xinput1_3.dll when you try to play GTA 5. Some of the most common causes are:

  • Your DirectX version is outdated or incompatible with GTA 5.

  • Your xinput1_3.dll file is corrupted, deleted, or misplaced by a faulty application or a virus.

  • Your Windows registry has invalid or damaged entries related to xinput1_3.dll.

  • Your game or application installation folder is missing the xinput1_3.dll file.

How to fix xinput1_3.dll errors

The good news is that you can fix most of the xinput1_3.dll errors by following some simple steps. Here are some of the methods you can try:

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How to download xinput1_3.dll for GTA 5

One of the easiest ways to download xinput1_3.dll for GTA 5 is to install the latest version of DirectX on your PC. This will ensure that you have all the necessary files and components for running GTA 5 and other DirectX-based games and applications.

Method 1: Install the latest version of DirectX

To install the latest version of DirectX, you can follow these steps:

Steps to install DirectX

  • Go to the and download the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer.

  • Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

  • Restart your computer and launch GTA 5 to see if the error is resolved.

Benefits of installing DirectX

By installing DirectX, you can enjoy several benefits, such as:

  • Improving the performance and compatibility of GTA 5 and other games and applications.

  • Fixing various errors and bugs related to graphics, sound, and input.

  • Enhancing the visual and audio quality of GTA 5 and other games and applications.

Method 2: Copy xinput1_3.dll from another source

Another way to download xinput1_3.dll for GTA 5 is to copy it from another source, such as another PC, a USB drive, or a trusted website. This can be useful if you don't want to install DirectX or if the installation fails for some reason.

Steps to copy xinput1_3.dll

  • Find a source that has the xinput1_3.dll file. You can use another PC that has GTA 5 or DirectX installed, a USB drive that has the file, or a website that offers the file for download. Make sure the source is reliable and safe.

  • Copy the xinput1_3.dll file to your clipboard or save it to a temporary location.

  • Paste the xinput1_3.dll file into the GTA 5 installation folder. The default location is C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V. If you have installed GTA 5 in a different location, navigate to that folder instead.

  • Restart your computer and launch GTA 5 to see if the error is resolved.

Risks of copying xinput1_3.dll

While copying xinput1_3.dll from another source can be a quick and easy solution, it also comes with some risks, such as:

  • The xinput1_3.dll file may not be compatible with your system or GTA 5 version. This can cause more errors or crashes.

  • The xinput1_3.dll file may be infected with malware or viruses. This can harm your PC and compromise your security.

  • The xinput1_3.dll file may be outdated or corrupted. This can affect the performance and functionality of GTA 5 and other games and applications.

How to verify the integrity of xinput1_3.dll

If you have downloaded xinput1_3.dll for GTA 5, you may want to verify its integrity to make sure it is not damaged or tampered with. This can help you avoid potential problems and errors in the future. One of the best ways to verify the integrity of xinput1_3.dll is to use a file checker tool.

How to use a file checker tool

A file checker tool is a software program that can scan and repair various files on your PC, including xinput1_3.dll. It can detect and fix any issues related to missing, corrupted, or invalid files. To use a file checker tool, you can follow these steps:

Steps to use a file checker tool

  • Download and install a file checker tool from a reputable source. Some of the popular file checker tools are . Make sure the tool is compatible with your system and GTA 5 version.

  • Run the file checker tool and select the xinput1_3.dll file from the GTA 5 installation folder. The default location is C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V. If you have installed GTA 5 in a different location, navigate to that folder instead.

  • Click on the scan or repair button and wait for the process to complete. The file checker tool will check the integrity of xinput1_3.dll and fix any errors or issues it finds.

  • Restart your computer and launch GTA 5 to see if the error is resolved.

Advantages of using a file checker tool

By using a file checker tool, you can enjoy several advantages, such as:

  • Saving time and effort by automating the scanning and repairing process.

  • Ensuring that xinput1_3.dll is in good condition and compatible with your system and GTA 5 version.

  • Preventing further errors or problems related to xinput1_3.dll or other files.

  • Improving the stability and security of your PC and GTA 5.


In conclusion, downloading xinput1_3.dll for GTA 5 is not a difficult task if you follow the methods we have discussed in this article. You can either install the latest version of DirectX or copy xinput1_3.dll from another source. Alternatively, you can use a file checker tool to verify the integrity of xinput1_3.dll and fix any errors or issues. By doing so, you can enjoy GTA 5 without any interruption or frustration.

We hope this article has helped you learn how to download xinput1_3.dll for GTA 5 and solve the error message. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about downloading xinput1_3.dll for GTA 5:

Q: Can I download xinput1_3.dll from any website?

A: No, you should not download xinput1_3.dll from any website that offers it for free or for a fee. Some of these websites may contain malware or viruses that can harm your PC and compromise your security. You should only download xinput1_3.dll from a trusted and reliable source, such as the official Microsoft website or a reputable file checker tool.

Q: How do I know if my DirectX version is compatible with GTA 5?

A: You can check your DirectX version by following these steps:

  • Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.

  • Type dxdiag and click OK to open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.

  • On the System tab, look for the DirectX Version field. It should show the version number of your DirectX installation.

  • Compare your DirectX version with the minimum and recommended requirements for GTA 5. The minimum requirement is DirectX 10, while the recommended requirement is DirectX 11.

Q: What if none of the methods work for me?

A: If none of the methods we have discussed work for you, you may need to contact the GTA 5 support team or the Microsoft support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide you with more specific and customized solutions for your problem.

Q: Can I delete xinput1_3.dll after I finish playing GTA 5?

A: No, you should not delete xinput1_3.dll after you finish playing GTA 5. xinput1_3.dll is not only used by GTA 5, but also by other games and applications that rely on DirectX. Deleting xinput1_3.dll may cause other errors or problems on your PC. You should keep xinput1_3.dll in its original location and make sure it is not corrupted or modified by any other program.

Q: Can I update xinput1_3.dll manually?

A: Yes, you can update xinput1_3.dll manually by downloading it from the official Microsoft website and replacing it in the GTA 5 installation folder. However, this is not recommended unless you are an expert user and know what you are doing. Updating xinput1_3.dll manually may cause compatibility issues or conflicts with other files or programs. It is better to update xinput1_3.dll automatically by installing the latest version of DirectX or using a file checker tool. 44f88ac181

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